Privacy Policy

Last updated: 31 Jan 2024

Welcome to Crikk!

We care about your privacy. This policy explains what info we collect when you use Crikk, how we use it, and your choices about your info.

What We Collect

When you use Crikk, we collect:

  • Your Name
  • Your Email Address
  • Documents
  • Uploaded Photos

Also, we use Google Firebase in our app. This helps us understand how you use Crikk and make it better for you.

How We Use Your Info

We use your name and email to help you use Crikk better. We also use Google Firebase to see how our app is used. This helps us improve Crikk. We don’t use your info for anything else and we don’t share it with others.

No Age Limits

Anyone can use Crikk. We don’t have age restrictions.

Keeping Your Info Safe

Your info is important. We keep it safe. We use good ways to protect your info from being lost or used in the wrong way.

Your Choices

You have control! You can:

  • Update Your Info: Change your name or email in the app.
  • Delete Your Account: You can delete your account if you don’t want to use Crikk anymore. If you do, your info goes away too.

Changes to This Policy

Sometimes we might change this policy. If we do, we’ll let you know.


If you have questions about this policy or about your info, just ask us.